Customer gifts for Christmas: These are the trends 2022

christmas gift customer

Christmas Customer gifts – the search volume of this keyword traditionally increases significantly at the beginning of the third quarter. Why? Because Customer gifts at Christmas must be planned for the long term.ย  A loveless gift or purely promotional items are not enough. To support you and your company, we identified the latest trends on the subject of “customer gifts for Christmas”.

Customer gifts for Christmas: When should the selection be started?

Christmas is still a while away – but that doesn’t mean you should wait to choose the right gifts for your customers for Christmas. Depending on the attention you decide on, this can involve a lot of organizational effort. Starting with the right idea, it must first be implemented satisfactorily. If you decide for products on which the logo of your own company is to be seen, time must be planned for engraving or the like. Then there are correction loops, the choice of packaging, the Christmas greeting – and last but not least, the longer delivery times in the run-up to Christmas. This year, you should also take into account possible delivery bottlenecks. They can affect the timely arrival of Christmas gifts for your clientele.

However, the attention should have reached your customers in time for the last working days. So it’s high time for you and your employees to start planning! To make it a little easier for you to start the process and avoid giving away purely promotional items, we have scoured the net and print media for current trends in Christmas customer gifts and compiled a small list for you. This will make finding a suitable idea for Christmas a breeze.

Staying up to date with trends

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Trend 1: Sustainability – is a topic, remains a topic

One of the biggest trends in recent years has been sustainability. And this trend continues this year. You can look at the aspect from different angles. Sustainable gifts should have a purpose. After all, conscious consumption and mindfulness go hand in hand with the theme of sustainability. Make sure that the gifts are produced “green”: The keywords re- or upcycled, social and fair should have fallen. For example, how about ECO lunchboxes or coffee-to-go cups on which you have placed you’re logo? Also conceivable are particularly practical and sustainable Christmas gifts that can be used either for the office or privately – for example, a high-quality laptop or cell phone bag made of felt.

If you use gifts with sustainability seals, you should also research their meaning and what exactly stands behind the seal. You should also pay attention to sustainability when sending Christmas greetings and gifts. Overall, it is recommended that sustainability is a common thread running through the gift – otherwise it is no longer authentic.

Trend 2: Food and drink – the classics

The all-time favorites: Food and Drink. Everyone eats, most snack, just about everyone cooks. Especially at Christmas time. Food, accordingly, provides great benefit and pleasure to just everyone. However, it should be noted that the selected items are well tolerated and, again, in line with the trend of sustainability. Small Christmas spice mixtures, for example, are a good choice here. But sweet nibbles can also find favor: Fair-trade chocolate or a gingerbread set are sweet Christmas classics. Instead of sustainable chocolate for business partners, you can also go for classics like tea sets. But beware: since more and more people are vegetarian or vegan or do not tolerate lactose, it is advisable to take this into account when choosing gifts. Important: Don’t forget to test your gift beforehand – not everything that looks good tastes good!

Trend 3: Vouchers – flexible Christmas gifts for business partners

Vouchers are always popular. Because tastes are different and a voucher allows the customer to choose something he or she really likes. You should note here the tax allowance of 35 euros per customer. Especially if you are still a little unsure about the customer’s preferences, vouchers are usually a good choice. The possibilities are endless: a delicatessen or a local coffee shop, a wellness experience or a leisure activity. This is where you and your emloyees can get creative.

Trend 4: Pre-Christmas gifts – the Advent calendar

Anticipation is known to be the best joy. You still have enough time until Christmas? If you think about the topic of customer gifts for Christmas early, you can also think about a pre-Christmas gift – for example, an Advent calendar. This way, customers are reminded of the good cooperation with their company each of the 24 days before Christmas. An Advent calendar can also contain various gifts: Starting with chocolate to small wellness items – so you can fill the advent calendar with a wide variety of customer gifts and bring items with variety into play.

Trend 5: Playlists and special greeting cards

You have already given away customer gifts this year and just want to send a small card for Christmas? Make your card is more interactive and add, for example, a QR code that links to a specially created Christmas playlist. To do this, ask your employees to add Christmas songs. Et voilรก: the Christmas card has been given a whole new and personal twist. You can also personalize the greeting cards: Why not take a nice Christmas picture of your team and include it on the greeting card?

Employees are also happy to receive a gift for Christmas

The customer gift at Christmas is a tradition in many companies. But not only the customers are happy about a gift at Christmas. Your employees are certainly not averse to a little attention either. Therefore, if possible, surprise your employees with a Christmas gift. The same tips apply here as for the customer gift. The advantage of a small gift for your employees: You thank your team once again for their work in the past year and show additional appreciation. Last but not least, this increases motivation among the workforce.

Customer gifts for Christmas – Conclusion

Do not give away classic promotional items or giveaways of your company at Christmas. Promotional items and giveaways are simply “dusty” at Christmas and should be used as giveaways for trade shows and similar events. Of course, Christmas gifts can be branded with your logo to establish contact in the CD of your company. However, intensify this contact with your customers by putting time and creativity into the conception of the gift instead of resorting to promotional items like pens & co. If you keep the listed trends in mind when choosing customer gifts, you are already on the right track. The more thought you and your employees put into the process, the more your customers will be delighted – and then can hardly wait for the next greeting at Easter.

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